Author: Richard Barnett

At the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, held on Friday 29th November 2019, three members of Granite Lodge were present to receive much deserved promotions.

The meeting was held in two halves, the first was the installation of a new Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Peter C. Kinder who presides over the counties of Leicestershire and Rutland.

The second part of the day was dedicated to installation of the team who will assist the Provincial Grand Master for the coming year.  From Granite Lodge, it was a bumper day as we were honoured with one first appointment to active rank, and two promotions to past rank.

In the team of active officers for the coming year, is W.Bro. Stuart Larkins who received his first appointment to Provincial Grand Lodge as Provincial Grand Pursuivant.  Stuart took his position within the Lodge in order to help the Provincial Grand Master close the Lodge in order to continue the enjoyment late into the night.

Also receiving promotions within Provincial Grand were W.Bro. Ian Phillips, who was promoted to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, and W.Bro. Richard Barnett to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon.

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